Update from Brandon Fletcher, EMA Director and Sheriff Lee Cone.
COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool
You can use this tool to estimate the likelihood of coming into contact with at least one person infected with COVID-19 when attending a group event.
Message from Sheriff Lee Cone and Ben Hill Co. EMA Director Brandon Fletcher
Message from Sheriff Lee Cone and Ben Hill Co. EMA Director regarding Walmart’s new mask policy.
Fitzgerald Walmart Update
Walmart in Fitzgerald has just announced that starting today the ONLY entrance open to customers will be the Grocery side.
Coping with Stress due to COVID-19
Coping with stress during a Pandemic.
Mask Wearing 101: How to Wear a Mask Correctly
Cloth face coverings are an additional step to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
July 15, 2020 Executive Order
Governor Kemp released an Executive Order this evening, July 15, 2020.
CDC calls on Americans to wear Masks
CDC calls on all Americans to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Wal-Mart Mask Requirement
Starting Monday, July 20, masks will re required at Wal-Mart.
Helpful Hints from Dorminy Medical Center
Let’s help stop the spread of COVID-19!