

New Update from Ben Hill County Schools:

As the 2019-2020 school year approaches its conclusions, our district leaders have worked with principals and instructional leaders to determine the best way to end the academic year. We cannot express enough how appreciative we are to all of you, families, teachers, administrators and support staff, who have worked diligently to ensure that students were able to continue to learn and grow as we navigated uncharted territory. Our community worked as a team with determination and common goals, and we should be proud of our accomplishments and thankful for each other.
In order to bring the 2019-2020 school year to a close, we have set the following dates and protocols. Please note that each school will provide more detailed information in the coming days so that you will be able to meet the needs of your student.
Ben Hill Primary School and Ben Hill Elementary School:
May 1, 2020-Completed Packets Due
As soon as Schools Receive Shipments: Students will be given literacy resources from Scholastic to take them through May and into the summer.
May 22, 2020-Last Day for Students
Ben Hill Middle School:
May 8, 2020-Last Day for New Assignments
May 11-22-Make-up Work Days
May 22, 2020-Last Day for Students
Fitzgerald High School College and Career Academy
May 5-Last Day of Wiregrass Classes
May 8-Last Day for New FHSCCA Assignments
May 11-Last Day for Wiregrass Cohort Classes
May 11-22-Make-up Work Days
May 22-Last Day for Students
Hurricane Transition Academy students
They will continue to work on their computer coursework. All courses should be completed by May 5th. Parents may see student's grades at anytime by having your student log into their computer and view the grades. Each student will continue to work closely with Mrs. King until all assignments are completed. Mrs. King can be contacted at 229-409-5551 or email at darline.king@benhillschools.org.
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